You are simply a witness, no judgment, no evaluation, but a pure silent witnessing like a mirror.
You are simply a witness, no judgment, no evaluation, but a pure silent witnessing like a mirror.
The most courageous act in life is to experience absolute aloneness.
And unless you accept the responsibility, there is no possibility of any revolution in your life. You can go on cursing the whole world, you can go on saying it is fate, it is karma, it is the economic structure, it is the state, it is the church. You can go on finding some causes for your misery, but that is not going to help, that is not going to change you. In fact it is a way of consoling yourself, “What can I do? It is predetermined. Nothing is in my hands so I simply have to accept it unwillingly, in despair. But I have to tolerate it, I have to live with it.” Then life becomes a misery.
The most primary thing is to find your own center. Once it is found, once you are centered, once you are bathed in your own light you have a different vision, a different perspective, and the whole of life becomes golden. Then even dust is divine. Then life is so rich, so abundantly rich that one can only feel a tremendous gratitude towards Existence.
If man disappears from the earth there will be no meaning in any sound, but there will be sounds. The wind will still pass through the pine trees creating great music, and the waterfalls will go on falling on the rocks, creating great sound, and the clouds will come and the thunder, and the birds will sing. Everything will continue but nothing will have any meaning. Meaning is man’s creation.
Our body changes, our mind changes, everything changes except one thing within you. And that one thing has to be discovered, because that is your reality. To know it is to live in bliss. To know it is to go beyond fear. To know it is to know god.
The greatest secret of life is, and remember it always, that life is a gift.
Sharing is one of the greatest spiritual qualities. The miracle is that the more you share your bliss the more you have it.
There is only one courage, the fundamental courage, the courage in which all other courage is rooted — and that is the courage to go beyond the known, to go beyond the familiar, to go into the uncharted.
No map of the other shore exists; no definition of god exists; no proof exists that god even is. Still, the courageous one goes on seeking and searching the unknown, even the unknowable.
The coward lives in a cosy, dark hole — familiar, safe, secure, but for how long? Death comes and destroys everything. Seeing this — that death is going to destroy everything — why not inquire into the deathless? Why not risk all? When death is going to take it away anyway, why not risk all? When death is going to take it away anyway, why be so cowardly?
The real source of beauty is the explosion that happens when you reach the centre of your being. The moment you touch that centre, suddenly there is an explosion of joy. Every cell of your being starts dancing, every fibre of your existence starts vibrating in an unknown, mysterious melody. And then there is beauty.