There are no other proofs for god than the beautiful experiences of life. A sunset can overwhelm you so much so that for that moment you are no more, only the sunset is. The observer is dissolved, there is only observation; the duality between the seer and the seen is no more there, there is only one bridged experience. The observer and the observed are both bridged together, as if you and the sunset are two poles of the same phenomenon. Suddenly your heartbeat starts pulsating with the beauty that is the sunset. The more you experience these beautiful moments, the more your life starts becoming beautiful. So never miss any beautiful moment. Rejoice in it, dance with it, sing with it, be silent with it. In some way or other become one with it. Let the observer be the observed too. Dissolve yourself in it and you will find immense nourishment. You will become aware that the world is not just matter; hidden behind matter is something far more significant — matter is only the expression of something immaterial. We can call it god, the truth, the soul of existence, the very heartbeat of the universe.