Se poate aprecia calitatea unui om dupa cantitatea de singuratate pe care o suporta
The best way is to simply surrender to Existence and allow it to take you wherever it takes you; it has never taken anybody into any wrong space. It always takes you back home.
Când priveşti un copac şi îi percepi liniştea, eşti şi tu liniştit. Te conectezi cu el pe un nivel foarte profund. Simţi că eşti una cu tot ce percepi tu în şi prin această stare de linişte. Să simţi că eşti una cu toate lucrurile percepute înseamnă iubire. Permite naturii să te înveţe ce înseamnă liniştea!
Cand privesti un pom sau o fiinta umana aflata in liniste, cine priveste? Ceva mai adanc decat persoana. Constiinta se uita la creatia sa!
Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.
Starea obisnuita a mintii la majoritatea fiintelor umane este un flux necontenit si necontrolat de ganduri si emotii. Consideram aceasta stare ca fiind normala din obisnuinta si pentru ca e traita de noi toti.
If you set out to meditate it will not be meditation. If you set out to be good, goodness will never flower. If you cultivate humility, it ceases to be. Meditation is like the breeze that comes in when you leave the window open; but if you deliberately keep it open, deliberately invite it to come, it will never appear. – Jiddu Krishnamurti
I sometimes find myself picking up an object and then simply appreciating its presence, its being, simply appreciate the beingness.
Life is not that complicated. You get up, you go to work, eat three meals, you take one good shit and you go back to bed. What’s the fucking mystery? – George Carlin
What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes. All things are possible… Who you are is limited only by who you think you are.