Cand dansezi cu adevarat, nu tu conduci, ci muzica. Lasa muzica din tine sa se exprime prin ceea ce faci. Sufletul tau e portativul pe care sunt scrise notele de bucurie si tristete. Lasa-te dus de valul muzicii interioare si canta, danseaza…

Only few people in this world experienced real love. These are those, which became entirely silent, entirely peacelul. Within this silence they come into contact with their innerst being, with their soul. And as soon as you get in contact with your soul, love is no more a relationship, but somethimg accompanying you like a shadow. From that point you are, whereever you go and with whoever you are, always fulfilled with love.

God is mad. If you are ready to be a little mad, only then is there any possibility of any contact between you and the infinite. It has to be so. When the whole ocean drops into a drop, the drop is going to get crazy. When the infinite descends into the finite, how can the finite remain sane? It has to go mad. The old mystics have always called it The Divine Madness. All meditation is an approach towards divine madness. Stake all human sanity. It is better to be mad in a divine way than to be sane in a human way. I am crazy!

Start from love because that is the centre, and creativity is the circumference. If the centre is there the circumference will happen automatically, but to create first and then to move towards love, is a far long process. It may take lives and even then there is no certainty — because each time you die you lose whatsoever you have attained on the circumference — because each life will give you a different circumference, only the centre remains the same. So whatsoever we attain at the centre of our being becomes ours forever, death cannot destroy it — it will be with you in the new life. It goes on accumulating; circumferences go on changing every life. So many times people create much on the circumference but they lose it again and again.

You cannot be blissful if you are going against existence. You are fighting a losing battle. It is like trying to swim upstream: you may succeed a little bit but sooner or later you will be exhausted, tired – and then the river will take you. And because now you are defeated this river taking you away will look like an enemy. It is just your idea that has created the hole problem. The river is not fighting with you, it has not defeated you; you tried to fight with it and you got defeated. The river is not responsible at all. If you had taken a different approach, if from the very beginning you accepted going with the river, there would have been no defeat, no frustration. You would not have felt that existence has been against you; you would have rejoiced. Going with the river, dancing with the river, you would have felt the river giving you strength.

Cauza primordială a nefericirii nu o reprezintă niciodată situaţia, ci gândurile referitoare la ea.

In momentul in care primesti obiectul pe care ti-l doreai enorm, agitatia si nelinistea dispar si te bucuri ca te-ai eliberat de aceasta agitatie dar interpretezi ca si cum obiectul ti-ar fi oferit placere. Placerea vine din tine.

În cursul existenţei tale, oscilezi continuu ca funcţie ondulatorie, ceea ce în esenţă şi eşti, din focalizare în nefocalizare, intrând în definire şi ieşind din ea, mişcându-te întotdeauna înainte şi înapoi ca un pendul de ceas sau ca inima unui atom, din unitatea fiinţării cu Dumnezeu, spre o expresie finită a potenţialului infinit al lui Dumnezeu şi iar înapoi în unitate, mereu înainte şi înapoi.

Muzica este un raspuns caruia nu i s-a pus nici o intrebare.

Momentul Acum este mai profund decât ceea ce se întâmplă în el. Este spaţiul în care se întâmplă. Forma exterioară este o reflexie temporară a ceea ce eşti tu în interior, în esenţa ta.