Miserable person becomes mean, cunning, untrusting, dishonest, insincere, inauthentic. Simply because he is miserable he is angry at existence, he wants to take revenge. We cannot have a noble character, he cannot have nobleness around him. Nobleness is a by-product of gratitude and he has nothing to be grateful for. He is just a complaint, a wound, and how can the wound give fragrance? – it can only stink.
Only the blissful person is noble. Nobility has nothing to do with birth, it has something to do with the art of living. Certainly one can become an aristocrat if one knows how to live. One may not possess anything but still one will live like a king because kingliness has nothing to do with possessions; it has something to do with how you approach life. Is it with complaint or with gratitude? And one can be grateful only if one is blissful because then one feels that existence has given one so much, how can one repay it? There is no way to repay it — hence gratitude arises. If there were a way to repay there would be no need to be grateful. But there are things which cannot be repaid — then the only possible way is to feel thankful. In that thankfulness, meanness, deceptiveness, cunningness, all disappear; one becomes simply innocent, trusting.
And the moment you trust existence you start feeling the presence of god. God is not a belief. It is trusting existence that makes you feel the presence of god — it is an experience. But everything begins in blissfulness.
Osho – Going All The Way (Thankful)