The real flowers have many differences; the plastic flowers are permanent — the plastic love will be permanent. The real flower is not permanent, it is changing moment to moment. Today it is there dancing in the wind and in the sun and in the rain. Tomorrow you will not be able to find it — it has disappeared just as mysteriously as it has appeared. Real love is like a real flower.

Be! Don´t try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.

The reality of your being is within you. You just need a little silent mind – it will be reflected – you will know who you are

If you go into a forest with your mind only, you’ll only notice the sounds and the mind will try to interpret them. You might think you’re present; but you’re not really, you’re simply judging what you hear. But if you become aware of the silent dimension underneath the sounds and in between the sounds, then you become present because the moment you become aware of the silence, you also have become silent.

When laughter comes out of silence you are not laughing at anybody’s cost, you are simply laughing at the whole cosmic joke. And it really is a joke! It is a joke because inside you have everything, and you are searching everywhere. What else should a joke be?

Daca tu ai un mar si eu am un mar si facem schimb de mere, atunci tu si eu vom avea in continuarea un mar. Dar daca tu ai o idee si eu am o idee si le schimbam intre ele atunci fiecare dintre noi va avea doua idei.

Nu te teme niciodata de umbre. Ele arata doar ca exista lumina in apropiere!

De unde-si are raiul lumina, stiu: il ilumineaza iadul cu flacarile lui.

Fericirea este ca o minge dupa care alergam, iar cand o prindem, ii mai dam o lovitura de picior, pentru a continua sa alergam dupa ea. Fiindca in aceasta cursa ne simtim stimulati, in aceasta cautare, in acest elan pentru atingerea telului se afla fericirea.

In timp ce s-ar putea sa nu fim capabili sa controlam tot ce ni se intampla, putem controla ceea ce se intampla in interiorul nostru.