Everything in existence is unique, incomparable. This is God’s love, his respect to his creation, and if we understand this then great respect and great love arise towards oneself and all self-condemnation disappears.
Everything in existence is unique, incomparable. This is God’s love, his respect to his creation, and if we understand this then great respect and great love arise towards oneself and all self-condemnation disappears.
A deep felt gratitude is that this Existence would have been missing something without you, that this vast Existence needed you, no one else. And that your place was empty before you and will be empty after you. The whole Existence needs you, otherwise you would not have been here!
Existence is not indifferent to you. It may not care the way you want to be cared for, but it still cares in its own way. And what you expect may not really be your need, it may be just the opposite. Existence really fulfills your needs, not your likes and dislikes, not your wants, but your real, true, authentic needs are always taken care of. Existence cannot be indifferent to you: you are part of it. To be indifferent to you will mean it is indifferent to itself, that is impossible. Existence would have disappeared long ago if it was so.
There has been a great misunderstanding between life and time. Time is thought to be consisting of three tenses: past, present, future — which is wrong. Time consists only of past and future. It is life which consists of the present. So those who want to live, for them there is no other way than to live this moment. Only the present is existential.
Life is its own purpose; it is not a means to some end, it is an end unto itself. The bird on the wing, the rose in the wind, the sun rising in the morning, the stars in the night, a man falling in love with a woman, a child playing on the street…there is no purpose. Life simply enjoying itself, delighting in itself. Energy overflowing, dancing, for no purpose at all!
Respir viata in sufletul meu lafel de mult cum sufletul meu respira viata in mine.
Sunt mai mult decat emotie, mai mult decat gand, mai mult decat viata…
Sunt pur si simplu tot ceea ce este. Si tot ce nu este. Si totul dintre cele doua. Eu Sunt!
Unless you learn to silence the voices in your mind you will never hear your own voice.
Enjoy the wonder, the wonder that life is, the wonder that Existence is, the wonder of the sun and the sunlight and the trees bathed in the golden rays. Experience it. Don´t put a question mark, let it be as it is!
Don’t be bothered by perfection. Replace the word ‘perfection’ by ‘totality.’ Don’t think in terms that you have to be perfect, think in terms that you have to be total. Totality will give you a different dimension.
Living totally, intensely, burning your torch of life from both sides together, you become a tremendous danger to the crowd. Because everybody starts feeling he could also have lived the way you are living — this dance could have been his too, this song could have been his too. And because you remind him about the wounds that he is carrying and hiding within himself, because you make him utterly nude and exposed to himself, he cannot forgive you.