Discover the ‘I Am’


The beauty you seek lies within the innermost feeling of “I Am.” Do not be fooled by seeking for certainty, beauty, validation and strength in the outer world, for there is no outer world. Once you realize the I Am is all there is, you will also realize that the source of everything is always here and now and it is synonymous with ‘you.’ – Bentinho Massaro

Existence is relationship


All forms of life and being are simply variations on a single theme: we are all in fact one being doing the same things in as many different ways as possible. – Alan Watts in “The Joyous Cosmology”

Every single thing in this world exists only in relation to the whole system


You, in your fundamental existence, are the total energy that constitutes this universe, playing that it’s you. Playing that it’s this particular organism, and even playing that it’s this particular person, because the fundamental game of the world is a game of hide and seek. That is to say that the colossal reality — the energy that is everything, that is a unitary energy, that is ONE, plays at being many. – Alan Watts speaking in audio “The Middle Way”